We divide the project into different phases to make sure it goes as smoothly as possible and you, as our partner, will never get confused.
For NFT launch website, users can Mint via the NFT launch website, and this connects to the NFT Smart Contract (ERC721).
Users are responsible to pay the mint gas fees. When the NFT has been minted, it goes to the user wallet, and it also indexed on Opensea, so the user can trade it.
You will be required to enter your wallet private key, Infura API key (free to get), and Etherscan API key (to verify source code - free to get). This option will require installing NodeJS on your computer and running a couple of terminal commands. We will be available to walk you through via text, voice, or video.
The customer's wallet will be the owner of the contract and is required to have sufficient funds to cover the network fees for deploying the contract. Please be ready to deposit additional ETH to your wallet on deployment day to cover network fluctuations.